Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to School (If You Ever Left)

Today is the first official day back to school, even though classes don't start until Thursday. I used to get very excited about this new beginning, but lately I haven't had the opportunity to enjoy it. That's because I never really left.

Still, I get to enjoy the hustle and bustle that is Frosh Week thanks to my involvement with CU-WISE. Tonight we have a booth at the clubs and societies fair, Carleton Expo. We'll be setting up our booth with some nice swag to give away and getting a bunch of new students to sign up for our mailing list. Tomorrow, a few of us will speak at the Faculty of Science orientation, where we will reach both males and females. A few others have already been involved with the special engineering events happening on campus.

It's a weird feeling, still being in school. Grad school is very different from undergrad, but it's still school. I still have at least three or four years of it, too. It's difficult to imagine leaving school for good simply because it's been so long. The longest I've been away was for my eight month co-op terms, and I can't even remember what that was like anymore. If I end up staying in academia when I graduate, I might never remember!

Anyway, I just wanted to wish everyone a happy back to school. If any of you are doing anything exciting or want to share how you feel about that first day back, I'd love to hear about it in the comments.


  1. Brock CS student here. Currently on my 8 month co-op work term, hopefully I'll remember most of it in the future.

    For Frosh Week, our CS club is hosting the annual first year orientation. It'll be held at the school's pub and it consists of BBQ, meeting other students and the profs, and then a gaming event in the department.

  2. I suppose it depends on how long you are in school after you are done all your co-op terms. :) Your first-year orientation sounds like fun! We had some fun stuff when I was President of our undergrad society. Not sure if they are doing anything this year. Ahh memories....

  3. I've been accepted to study Biological Sciences at Oxford in England (hoping to move into the computational genomics/systems bio fields). It'll be my first term at uni- very excited and really looking forwards working in a university environment.
    England being what it is, every uni goes back on a different date- Oxford starts on the 11th of October, with freshers week from the 4th.
    Terms are just 8 weeks long, with a summer holiday lasting around 3 months, the idea being that students do the majority of work in their free time.
    After taking a Computing A-level (high school diploma in US terms [I think]) and spending the summer tinkering with php and picaxe chips, I'm really looking forwards to applying this to the natural world. Biology is a fascinating field to be in at the moment.


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