Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I've been spending some time lately putting together a few options for the new Carleton University Women in Science and Engineering chapter. To make the final selection, we'll be asking the current members of the group for their top five choices. I'm very excited to see which one they'll pick, because I can't decide myself which I like the best.

Click this small and hard to read preview for a better look.

We know our color scheme is going to be green and purple, but the color choices in these previews are not necessarily final. There were also a few variations that I didn't include here. For some logos, I have a "short form" version that will be better suited to promo items like pens or shirts. These are the ones that say "CU-WISE." They will be partnered with one of the longer versions that will be used in letterheads and posters.

1 comment:

  1. If I am to choose, I'll choose the eight one. (3rd from the bottom).


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