Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Blog Template Redesign

Please excuse the appearance of this blog for the next day or so as I try to fit it into a new template. I'm hoping the new layout will be a little easier to read, particularly for its fluid width for the content column. Thanks!


  1. Until you explicitly mentioned it in this post, I hadn't seen your blog since you first started it - I would suspect most people use rss feeds for following blogs these days...

  2. Yup, most likely - though I often see the real blog when I go to comment. I am trying to excuse the temporary ugliness for those that stumble on it, especially those looking in relation to various job and scholarship applications ;)

  3. Thanks! I think I'm done, at least for now. The only thing I'd change would be the annoying blue text in the comment links, but I am not happy with Blogger right now, with all the silly errors you can get when editing templates ;)


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