I recently got some business cards printed. I designed them to look like my website, and I gave myself the tagline "computer scientist, educator, blogger." Right before they arrived in the mail, I heard that I was eligible to get a free Poken to use at the conference, since I'm a student. I'm pretty excited about the Pokens (I already set up an account and installed their iPhone app), but I'm actually still excited about my business cards. I think I will try to use both together. The Poken will be a convenient way to collect online profiles of people I meet, but the business card should help the people I give it to remember me a little better.

Credit: Ninja Poken / karola riegler photography
(I'm inspired by Cate's use of CC-licensed Flickr photos in her blog posts and am going to try to be more fun and do the same!)
Now that I've started the second year of my PhD, I know what my main thesis topic will be: educational games and augmented reality. I don't know what my exact project will be. I have a few ideas, and a research project that I've been working on lately in the realm of AR should really help ground my final choice. I figure that if I get the chance to meet some others in games, AR, and HCI in general, I might get some cool new ideas! So that's who I'll be looking for.
If you're interested in education, games, and/or augmented reality, and want to meet up, I'd love to set up a time to chat with you! I'll be in Atlanta from Monday until Sunday. Contact me.
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