We have our final logo finished up. Some configurations of it can be seen here, with one example shown below.

We also made a brochure to be printed professionally and passed around to students at various events and fairs. You can take a peek at the PDF version.
Keep your eyes peeled as there's lots more to come, including a promotional booth poster, and our brand new website!
Nice logo Gail.
I'm amazed that so few strokes can perfectly illustrate a female face. Makes me wonder what defines the female face - the jaw line, I guess the flowing hair, and just generally curviness/gentle lines. I would really struggle to do something as good as that.
The brochure looks pretty good, although I think perhaps too many fonts. The cursive on the lower front could possibly be done using Book Antiqua (Palatino) italic just as in other parts of the document. Also the Exotic 350 font might be better replaced with the same colour (or perhaps faded like the subheadings in "Contact Us") of Book Antiqua Italic - this may leave the "Contact Us" section looking a bit strange, but I think it could possibly work just with the subheadings (ie: no "Contact Us" - the subheadings speak for themselves). I'd also make the brochure copyright a bit smaller and perhaps separate from the text above by a few more lines.
I really the logo. It's elegant and very well done.
And I agree with Rygle, there are too many fonts in the brochure.
Hey guys! Thanks for the comments! Unfortunately it's too late to make any changes to the brochure as we are in a printing stage now. They are still useful for learning purposes though ;)
As for the logo, I found the woman in the clipart that comes with CorelDRAW. A graphics artist at our school made a small modification of it, improving the mouth. I really like the final logo.
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